Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


BGN Talon Starblazer

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 103b: Planetary Defence 32,000 10 March 31, 2007
RgF 310 2,365 23 September 30, 2004
RgF 308 13,723 11 May 25, 2004
RgF 306 13,726 15 March 15, 2004
RgF 303 10,800 18 October 31, 2003
RgF 302 26,570 10 October 3, 2003
RgF 301 13,455 21 September 4, 2003
RgF 211 10,150 14 July 31, 2003
RgF 210 25,639 20 June 30, 2003
RgF 209 20,920 24 April 30, 2003
Zodiac 102: Weapons Base Recon 36,490 10 March 31, 2003
RgF 208 22,480 20 March 31, 2003
Zodiac 101: Nabbing the JZ-44's 26,780 5 February 28, 2003
RgF Substitute 208 12,525 32 February 28, 2003
RgF 207 174,400 6 February 4, 2003
Zodiac 006: T'Seran Rescue 15,840 14 January 17, 2003
RgF 206 25,293 10 December 31, 2002
Aedis 102 Substitute 35,256 8 November 30, 2002
RgF 205 18,840 9 September 30, 2002
Zodiac 005: Ambush of Corvette Group Wolf 16,475 7 September 30, 2002
Zodiac 004: Insertion of Redstar Squad on the CRV Wolf 2 32,296 3 August 31, 2002
RgF 204 24,522 13 August 10, 2002
Zodiac 003: Protect the Renegade Fleet Command Staff 50,700 9 July 17, 2002
RgF 203 43,262 7 June 30, 2002
RgF 202: Aedis 101 Substitute 15,925 11 May 31, 2002
Zodiac 002: Rescue Ynian Transports 31,880 14 April 30, 2002
RgF 201 17,900 19 April 30, 2002
RgF 111 (Full set) 81,543 8 February 28, 2002
Total Score 851,755 28 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 707x 49,468 9 February 11, 2007
PBF 603: Asteroid Sabacc 8,955 45 February 27, 2005
PBF 602: Quick Strike 52,246 29 January 26, 2005
PBF 601: Recon 35,629 16 December 20, 2004
PBF 511: Capture of Factory! 52,398 7 September 4, 2004
PBF 510: Rendevous 46,630 18 August 3, 2004
PBF 509: Torpedoes Away! 45,898 18 May 29, 2004
PBF 508: Ambuscade 28,362 29 April 4, 2004
PBF 507: Snatching Contraband 28,128 16 February 29, 2004
PBF 506: Valor's Waypoint 39,905 17 December 28, 2003
PBF 505: Waypoints 23,676 27 November 22, 2003
PBF 504: Awaiting Reinforcements 28,191 41 October 4, 2003
PBF 503: Counter Ambush 68,952 39 August 16, 2003
PBF 502: Convoy Escort 23,883 27 June 28, 2003
PBF 501: The Cadrel Expanse 25,441 37 May 30, 2003
PBF 412: Homecoming 45,730 26 April 27, 2003
PBF 411: Clean Sweep 39,484 53 March 26, 2003
Total Score 642,976 17 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
IBG 408: Save the Base! 7,649 19 August 5, 2004
IBG 404: The Imperial Force 2,308 16 March 31, 2004
IBG 306: The Final Step 57 18 November 16, 2003
IBG 305: Escorting the Freighters 4,778 7 October 14, 2003
IBG 304: Hunting the Hunters 6,999 15 September 3, 2003
IBG 303: Continuing the Evactuation 6,554 19 July 31, 2003
IBG 302: The Supernova 8,228 5 July 1, 2003
IBG 301: The Shuttle Tru'lak 1,940 26 May 21, 2003
IBG 209: Recon from New Trask 8,361 17 March 31, 2003
IBG 208: Protect the Prometheus 7,425 20 February 28, 2003
IBG 207: Search and Destroy 6,103 10 January 31, 2003
IBG 206: Resupply and Support 5,670 18 December 31, 2002
IBG 205: Protect the new Base 2,362 17 November 30, 2002
IBG 204: Building a new Base in New Trask 8,271 9 October 4, 2002
IBG 112: Seek and Destroy SSD Imperator 5,930 19 August 30, 2002
Total Score 82,635 15 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
R2F 800 13,156 17 May 7, 2005
R2F 801 9,290 16 August 30, 2003
R2F 709 19,077 12 April 3, 2003
R2F 708 21,893 6 February 27, 2003
R2F 707 10,573 6 January 30, 2003
R2F 706 21,240 7 December 22, 2002
Total Score 95,229 6 Reports