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Redemption Fleet Newsletter, Sept. 07
Sunday, Sept. 02, 2007
1. RF Command News
2. RID News
3. RSIC News
4. Zealot News.
5. Vanguard News
6. Miscellaneous Stuff.
Greetings, Members of the Redemption Fleet!
Another month has flown past, and it is once again time to see where the RF is at.
1.Fleet Command News
It is, with a deal of sadness that I announce the resignation of Primlar Potamus as Commando Division CO. This is the second CD CO in as many months, and the fact they both cited the complete lack of activity in the CD as the primary cause for thier resignations causes me many concerns. Combined with the lack of anyone suitable to lead the Jedi division, and the complete lack of activity in that unit also I have had to take drastic action to keep both units alive.
I have merged both the Jedi and Commando divisions together to create the Rebel Squadrons Infantry Command, under my command. By streamlining these two units into one, hopefully we can focus better on rebuilding our FPS strength. More on the activities available to the RSIC will follow later in this newsletter.
2. RID News
RID 106 has just been completed, and Cyrel should have the results out shortly. RID 107 should be available for release in a week or so.
3. RSIC News.
First, I would like to welcome LJG Jake Evam to the Jedi Squadron. Make yourself at home and get to know your squad mates. For all our JO/JA players, the ITCE is still going on in the IRC channel #Outerrim every Sunday, and JO is one of the most popular games played. If you do play ITCE, please report the results to myself and you will earn 1 merit for each match, and a further merit for each victory.
In Battlefront 2 news, CD 106 is over. Congratulations to CMDR Calista 'Kat' Fairbright for winning the commando medal and departing CDCO COL Primlar Potamus for winning the snipers medal. Merits and medals have been awarded. CD107 should be out in a week or so.
4. Zealot News.
Zealot keeps going from strength to strength. I am constantly impressed at the quality of writing coming from this unit . As usual, if you feel like joining this bunch of lovable nutjobs, please contact Cody or Sarriah.
5. Vanguard News.
Vanguard have been re-instated as a stand alone fleet, and are no longer part of the RF. I wish them all the best as they strike out on thier own once more.
6. Miscellaneous Stuff
This month, I am putting a call out for ideas, no matter how bizzare or off the wall they may seem, to increase activity in the RSIC. As usual, if you come up with anything you can email me at rs_jester@xtra.co.nz or track me down on IRC, usually under the nick of `Jester.
Until next month, fly fast, shoot straight and kill some imps.
Commodore Harley "Jester" Quinn
RS Operations Officer
Redemption Fleet CO