Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 3: Gathering Storm, The
OP 6: Destroy Imperial Supply Base

By LucasArts

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  High Command has demanded that all units search for evidence of where the Death Star is being constructed.  Our intelligence has identified a key supply and repair base near Kalla VII being used by starships going to and from the Death Star project.  Their exact destination remains a mystery.
  General Dodonna has devised a brilliant plan to learn where the Death Star Project is located by capturing an Imperial starship intact.

  His plan calls for attacking the supply base at Kalla VII and rendering it unusable, so that when the next Imperial starship arrives for repairs it will become stranded.
  Your mission is to lead the initial assault on the base near Kalla VII and destroy all equipment and any supply ships.


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