Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Draketh XV
OP 10: Escort the Hanitoba

By Jeremy Lee

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  In a previous operation three shuttles docked with the Freighter Hanitoba.  Each shuttle carried delegates from the Alliance, the Chasekk Rebellion, and the Draketh XV government.  
  The meeting lasted for three days, and according to the Alliance delegates everything went well.  The Chasekk Leaders made a deal with the Draketh XV Delegates which should end the Draketh XV Civil War.

  As X-wing Red two, you must see to it that the Hanitoba hyperspaces out safely.  Make sure to be on the look-out for the Imperial Frigate Gorgon, it's believed to be somewhere in the area.  Good Luck!


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