Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Aftermath of Hoth, The
OP 8: Destroy Imperial FRGs

By Phony Phreak

Player Craft: B-wing

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Our attack ond capture of the squadron of TIE Advanced Black went perfectly, except for one small flaw.  The Imperials got off a message to three Frigates before being dispatched, telling about the TIE Advanced attacking the convoy.  We have to stop this information from reaching Imperial High Command at the Trivincible.  It would be preferable if we had the oppurtunity to stop this knowledge.

Luckily, we do have a chance, and you get to blow up a couple psychedelic Frigates.  You know, the ones with their own bathrooms.  They are awaiting the arrival of the Star Destroyer Trivincible.  You, in your B-Wing, are off to blow these Frigates up.  Besides, that's what B-Wings were made to do.  Destroy all the Frigates, and leave when the Trivincible arrives.  Good Luck!


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