Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Draketh XV
OP 2: Aid A Convoy Under Attack

By Jeremy Lee

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  We've just received word that Convoy DVX-28 has safely reached Driadd VII.  However, another Alliance convoy enroute to Talinta II is currently under attack by Chasekk forces.
  All Y-wing escorts for this convoy were ambushed and destroyed by stolen X-wings.  General Madine has ordered that X-wings from Rogue Squadron be sent in to drive off this convoy's attackers.

  Your mission is to destroy all enemy TIEs and Shuttles.  Protect the TCS Corvettes from TIE Bomber attacks until they have jumped safely.
  You must also prevent enemy shuttles from capturing our three disabled Freighters.  All Alliance Freighters and Corvettes must hyperspace out.  RESCUE Shuttles will repair the Freighters so they can make their hyperspace jump.


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