Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 5: B-wing
OP 19: Operation "Blunt Stick"

By LucasArts

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  The data provided by the Habassa has been evaluated.  The sixth planet in the remote Hoth system has been chosen as the site for our new base. Hoth is a stormy, frozen world covered by snow and ice.  Despite the harsh conditions it is habitable.
  Perhaps most important, the system was written off long ago as being almost totally worthless.  It is unlikely that the Empire will look for us there!

  The Star Destroyer Relentless has been eliminated, depriving the Empire of the only task force to have remained in contact with our fleet.  We must now act quickly to make good our escape.
  All that remains between our fleet and Hoth are the Imperial Probes scattered throughout this sector.  Once these probes are eliminated our ships can safely jump to our new home.

  Every Imperial Probe in this sector is to be attacked at once.  This will require almost every starfighter in the Alliance fleet.  Red One is assigned a B-wing to destroy the probe monitoring a Nav Buoy on our path.
  Time is of the essence.  The faster these strikes are executed, the better are our chances of escaping undetected.  Imperial reinforcements are imminent!


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