Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Ghost Squadron Tour 1
Ghost 107-The Meeting

By Rebel Squadrons

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  With the data we retrieved from Obroa-skai, we've learned a thing or two about our mystery "cruisers." Namely, they aren't cruisers at all, but actual living beings!
  According to our data, they are called the Elim, and have had contact with outside races during the formation of the Old Republic. With this in mind, Slim and Litebrite will board the Elim and attempt to make contact.

  This meeting is extremely important. These Elim hold the secrets of the Rephidium Divide, and are most likely the key to stopping Imperial operations in the Divide forever.
Do not fail.
  Good luck, and may the Force be with you.


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