Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Ghost Squadron Tour 1
Ghost 106: Battle at Obroa-skai

By Rebel Squadrons

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Our commando mission to Obroa-skai has flopped. The Imperials have beaten us to the data on the Rephidium Divide. However, we still have one chance to get it back. The Imperials are fleeing Obroa-skai, but the Obroan defense force is after them.
  With the assistance of Ghost Squadron, perhaps the Obroans can stop the Imperial raiders. If they can, the Ghost commando team can retrieve the data for our own uses.

  If the Imperials get away from this information, we will lose any chances we have of finding out what is going on in the Divide. We need to know why the Imperials are throwing so much material into the operations there, and we need to know quickly. Finally, we need to know the origin of those mysterious cruisers in the Divide. This data is paramount.
  Good luck, and may the Force be with you!


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