Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 5: B-wing
OP 15: Escort B-wings on Attack

By LucasArts

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Interrogation of the captured Imperial officers has revealed that the Star Destroyer Relentless is even more vulnerable than we had hoped!  Our victories have resulted in the Frigate division of the task force being reduced to a single ship.
  It is the Juvaini, currently being serviced near Sunaj IV.  This was one of the Frigates that attacked the Alliance Cruiser Maria when she was receiving Blue Squadron's B-wings.

  Fittingly, Blue Squadron has been chosen to lead the attack.  Six B-wings will attack in two waves of three ships each.
  The Juvaini will be protected by its two squadrons of TIE Fighters.  Red Squadron will provide two A-wings for escort and support.  A-wing Red is to neutralize the enemy fighters until the Frigate is destroyed.  Help Blue Squadron get their revenge!


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