Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 5: B-wing
OP 14B: Capture Imperial Officers

By LucasArts

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  The Star Destroyer Relentless's task force of Frigates and System Patrol Squadrons has suffered tremendous losses.  We remain in great danger, however, as we still do not have a clear picture of exactly what we are facing.
  Our intelligence gathering operations just aren't giving us enough information.  It has been decided to attempt the capture of some Imperial officers for interrogation.

  We have solid information regarding a convoy of Imperial Troop Transports that are to rendezvous with the Frigate Mayhem.  There will be a brief window of opportunity wherein we may be able to capture the officer's Transport.
  Red Squadron will send two B-wings to intercept the convoy.  Red Two will identify and disable the officer's ship. A Commando unit will then arrive to capture the Imperial officers.  


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