Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Operation Lanvarok Tour 2
OpLan 201: Return to Duty

By Commander Leif Nalpak

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

Welcome back to the front lines.  RS Command hopes you had a good vacation.
While you've been away,  the FRG Commodus has been refitted and renamed the "Aurelius".  It will be our base of operations for now.
Our first mission on the Aurelius is reasonably straightforward.

At a commercial nav-point, an Imperial Star Destroyer has shown up.  It does not appear to be conducting inspections- indeed, this part of space is not strictly speaking Imperial controlled.  Nor does it seem to be launching attacks or setting up a base.  Most likely guess is that it's waiting for something.

An Intelligence tip-off has given us a window of time for when this Star Destroyer's meeting partner will arrive.  Given the place of meeting, it's most likely that the partner will be a neutral ship.  Your primary mission is to check out all neutral ships that enter the area.  If you find something of interest, other ships will grab it.
If time permits, you may also dispose of the property of the Imperial Navy.
Good luck.


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