Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 5: B-wing
OP 5: Destroy Secret Weapons Base

By LucasArts

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Alliance Intelligence has discovered a hidden Imperial Secret Weapons Research Base.  We believe it is attempting to recreate the same super shield technology that we stole for Operation Ram's Head.  This must not be allowed to happen.
  The target is a small facility constructed with Cargo Containers so as to appear unimportant.  Fortuitously, it is defended only by a pair of Corvettes.

  Because of the light defenses, we plan to use this raid to illustrate the advances made in starfighter design.  Specifically, one of each Alliance starfighter type will be used.  They will attack in two pairs to allow a comparison of their tactical effectiveness.
  An A-wing/B-wing team will be sent by Red Squadron, while Gold Squadron will supply the traditional X-wing/Y-wing team.


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