Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 5: B-wing
OP 4: Destroy TIE Staging Area

By LucasArts

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  As you are aware, we are inflicting heavy losses to the starfighter complements of the Imperial capital ships we have battled.  The Empire's response is to establish TIE Fighter staging areas in occupied systems.  This way Imperial starships may be kept closer to where they are needed, and losses can be replaced as quickly as possible.  To interdict the flow of replacements we are going to attack these staging areas.

  A single B-wing from Red Squadron will be sent to attack the staging area near Yunkor IX.  The facility is actually made up of a number of Cargo Containers.  These have been set up as hangars and work areas.
  Two proton torpedoes will knock down a Container's shields.  A third is guaranteed to destroy it, so the B-wing's load of twelve should be sufficient!  Be sure to destroy any TIE Fighters parked in the area.


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