Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Academy Tour 1
Academy Mission 7: Vape and Watch

By Major Juho Taskinen

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Intel's done a great job, as we now have the travel plan for the new resupply convoy for the FRG Guffawer. The convoy is consisted of two Freighters. The Imps seem to have abandoned their Gunboat tactic, as the FRTs have TIEs for cover.
  The TIEs don't have hyperdrives, so they'll probably be picked up by a CapShip in a while. Right now, we don't have the time or resources to wait and attack the ship bound to arrive.

  Now, onto the mission itself. You'll be in a group of three X-wings, your mission being to take out the T/Fs, T/Is and T/Bs covering the FRTs while they're preparing for a hyperjump.
  After that is done, B-wings Aka will enter and disable the FRTs. Following the B-wings will be two Shock Shuttles that will capture the FRTs. We're going to search the FRTs' hyper info which will hopefully give us the Guffawer's location.


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