Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Academy Tour 1
Academy Mission 5: Scare the Impies

By Major Juho Taskinen

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Intelligence reports show that another Imperial Frigate is coming after us. We have been able to steal the Frigate's travel plan, and according to it, she's is going to drop less than a light year away from Dantooine with Gunboat escorts.
  The Imps appear to rely heavily on the Gunboats... and that is why we're going to take them out. That will hopefully scare away the Frigate so we can go on looking for a new base.

  The Gunboats will, according to the "travel plan", be in three groups; one before the Frigate, one with the Frigate, and one after it.
  Take out the Gunboats, and if you have a chance to, attack the Frigate.
        Good luck, and
May the Force be with You!


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