Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Grey Squadron Tour 2
Grey Mission 2.14 - The Gathering

By Castor Efrata-Landis

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

Kedrin has been a wealth of information.  Not only have we gotten the location of his meeting place, we have also the time and date of his planned arrival.
  We will attack his Generals just shortly before he is supposed to show up.  Because we will only be using Grey Squadron in this attack, we hope that the Generals will await Kedrin's arrival for reinforcement, and not plan on Grey's ability.
  Flight 3 will be in X-Wings.  Flight 2 will be in A-Wings.  You will be in Flight 1 - in B-Wings.
  Your first priority is to kill all the Capital craft - the Star Destroyers and the Frigate.  Remember that you have ions, and their value in keeping large craft from escaping.


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