Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Grey Squadron Tour 2
Grey Mission 2.3 - Light Escort Duty

By Castor Efrata-Landis

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  It has come to the attention of High Command that there was an epidemic which broke out amoung many of the young combat pilots this morning.
  It seems that the squadrons most affected were Grey, Wild Card, Delta, and Blue.  The symptoms include nausea, "pounding headaches", and "teeth that feel like they are buzzing".
  If you are not aware of what I am referring to, you may wish to spend more time reading the posts on the Rebel Squadrons board.  High Command is not pleased with this "epidemic".
  Since the strength of the Squadrons involved has been effectively reduced by a full two thirds, we are going to delay the more difficult missions we have in progress, in favor of this light escort mission.

You have been assigned B-Wings for this one - our most powerful and shielded Starfighter.  You will have ion capability.  Use it if you need to.  The Bay-leth Freighters must be seen safely into hyperspace.
  Try very hard to overcome this "wee bout", which the medical staff has assured us is very temporary.  High Command believes that these "epidemics" can be avoided in the future by "moderation".


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