Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Historical Missions: B-wing
HM 3: Capture the Frigate Priam

By LucasArts

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

  What if the B-wing had been available earlier, say during the capture of the Frigate Priam?  Substituted for the Y-wings, the B-wings could have accomplished as much, but with fewer ships (and fewer pilots.)
  This mission recreates that operation.  However, this time Red Squadron is given the task of disabling the ship so it can be captured.

  In a previous operation the Frigate Priam was stripped of her TIE Fighters.  Except for a few small groups of TIEs and some mines the Priam has deployed around her, she is now virtually defenseless.
  General Dodonna has ordered that our Special Forces Command lead a "board and capture" operation.  Your mission is to disable the Priam and then provide cover during the capture of this Frigate.


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