Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Historical Missions: Y-wing
S.O.S. from Twi'lek Corvette Karinne

By LucasArts

Player Craft: Y-wing

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▼ Briefing

  This mission recreates a critical moment in the Rebel Alliance's relationship with the Twi'leks.  A delegation of Twi'leks had just left their home world bound for secret negotiations with the Alliance High Command.  Imperial spies had learned of the meeting and planned to ambush the Twi'lek ship en route to the summit.
  Only a small force was sent to attack the unescorted Corvette.

  The Star Destroyer Avenger dropped out of hyperspace long enough to hastily deploy a squadron of TIE Bombers; then abruptly departed.
  Alliance Counter-Intelligence had learned of the impending ambush, but was only able to send out two Y-wings to aid the Twi'leks.  Thanks to this timely intervention, their ship escaped and the grateful delegation soon agreed to join the Alliance!

You and your wingman will hyperspace in behind the TIE Bombers to take them by surprise.  Destroy them as quickly as you can to prevent them from launching any torpedoes at the Twi'lek Corvette.  Be sure to use your sensor displays to watch behind you.  You don't want to fall victim to the same tactic you're using!
  The Twi'lek Corvette should reach its hyperspace point in about 7 minutes.


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