Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Historical Missions: X-wing
Farlander's First Mission

By LucasArts

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  This mission recreates the famous first mission of Keyan Farlander.  Though still in training, his natural skill earned him an invitation to volunteer for what turned out to be a very vital mission.
  In the event, he proved himself quite capable in combat.  In addition, he was personally responsible for recovering some extremely valuable Imperial documents.

  Alliance Intelligence had discovered elaborate precautions being taken to make a particular Imperial Corvette seem unimportant.  At the risk of blowing their cover our agents determined that the ship would have extremely important contents, possibly Darth Vader himself!  Furthermore, it would have a skeleton crew and minimal escort.  It was scheduled to make one stop near lightly defended Turkana in the Hadar Sector.

  In the position of Keyan in Red Squadron, you will be protecting Gold Squadron's Y-wings while they disable the Imperial Corvette.  Then you will help maintain security in the area while the Storm Unit Commandos conduct their boarding raid.
  Feel free to assist the Y-wings in bringing down the Corvette's shields. If all goes well and you have time, you may join up with Blue Squadron to mop up the remaining escorts.


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