Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 1: A New Ally
OP 6: Raid for R2 Units

By LucasArts

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Ordnance and Supply Command has alerted all Sector Commands that our reserve of astromech droids is dangerously low.  R2 units, especially, are essential equipment for our starfighters.  Therefore, High Command has issued a priority acquisition search for these items.
  Yesterday, an A-wing scout mission located a freighter carrying these vital components that had broken down near Rudrig.

  Your mission is to protect the shuttle carrying a boarding party that will capture this freighter loaded with droids.
  Beware, opposition is expected to most likely come not from Imperial forces, but from freelancing pirate bands.  These rogue pirates are very active in this Sector and have frequently stolen our starfighters. Identify all spacecraft closely before engaging.


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