Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Imperial Onslaught
Rescue Fleeing Bothans

By Ronn Vinn

Player Craft: Y-wing

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I have just felt a great Disturbance in the force,.....The planet Saavew, a Bothan colony world has just been Destroyed by the Imperial World Devastators.The Deaths, so tragic..... However only a few I sense survived. .....
Ziest! My old friend survived and a Frigate bearing children. I sense that they are at the Daqao sector but they are in trouble. The Indicator Star Destroyer has used it's hyperdampening field to prevent them

You will hyper in just outside of the Indicators Hyperdampening field.Then you will destroy any enemy craft that the Indicator sends at you.Afterwards you will proceed to destroy the Indicator so we can hyper in and help the Bothans in their escape.
Once you take out the Indicator's shields Disable it so it can't shoot back.
Destroy any other Imperial Craft that comes in.
Hurry I sense we are running out of time!


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