Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Heir to the Empire, Evil Heir
OP 7: "Obtain Gravity units"

By Jeremy Lee and Owen McCabe

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

A previous reconnaisance mission by two a-wings revealed that a Corvette carrying GWP's will be in the Han-shai system today. It is as yet not known the function of these units, but intelligence sources
believe them to be of great importance. Admiral Ackbar has therefore come up with a plan to capture them.

You must ID the Corvette carrying the Gravity Units. Once Identified, Y-wings will hyper in and disable the Corvette. A CAPTURE shuttle will then board the Corvette and take the gravity units.
If all goes well there should be no counter-attack at all, if a leak has occured, then the Imperials will arrive in strenght. You will be required to destroy the remaining Corvettes. Good Luck!


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