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Mission Database
Aftermath of Hoth, The
OP 11: Aquire Info For Trivincible
▼ Briefing
The final annihilation of the Empire in this quadrant of the galaxy is almost complete. One thing remains, and it's a very big thing. The Star Destroyer Trivincible, the Imperial flagship of this quad. We plan to finish what the Empire wanted. We are going to give Chicago back to the Trivincible. Armed, ready to blow it (The Trivincible) up.
We don't want anyone special hurt, like anyone in a few thousand light years of the blast, so we want the Trivincible way out in the middle of nowhere. Sooo, we are sending part of T/A Black home to the Trivincible. The pilots, still under mind control, will send the jump coordinates here, while you blow up the CRV that arrives, and makes sure Black is not destroyed.
We don't want anyone special hurt, like anyone in a few thousand light years of the blast, so we want the Trivincible way out in the middle of nowhere. Sooo, we are sending part of T/A Black home to the Trivincible. The pilots, still under mind control, will send the jump coordinates here, while you blow up the CRV that arrives, and makes sure Black is not destroyed.
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