Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


Tour 2: Great Search, The
OP 6: Rendezvous in the Cron Drift

By LucasArts

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

  Now that the Alliance has captured several of the Empire's most sophisticated Comm Sats, we can proceed with our plan to eavesdrop on the Empire's most secure data transmission lines.  We hope to intercept information about the secret military project that we suspect is located in this Sector.
  Our plan is to replace several of the Empire's Comm Sats with our own, so that we may monitor their transmissions.  A listening post has been established nearby in the asteroid field called the Cron Drift.
  You and your wingman will fly escort for a Transport and the Alliance Freighter Ojai to a rendezvous with the Corvette Jeffrey.  It is vital that this transfer take place so that the listening post may discover what the Empire is planning.


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